Friday, August 14, 2009


Diagnosing poverty, building community
KODAO Productions

TRT: 33 mins.
Genre: Documentary
Theme: Indigenous peoples

“All our achievements are the fruit of the people’s unity. Without, we would have been defeated. That’s how we were able to survive.” This is how Manang Anita, a Philippine community health worker, summarizes the essence of her community’s struggle for health. Diagnosing poverty, Building a Community tells the story of Filiipinos who take their health and their future into their own hands like the poor peasants in Bukidnon, Mindanao, and Gene and Julie, two oung doctors from Manila. It is the story of Baby Jessie, a child from a remote indigenous community, who almost died because of his government’s neglect and wrong priorities. Most of it all, it is the story of ordinary people’s struggle to organize themselves.

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